This booking system is no longer in use

We have now transitioned from this website to a permanent online portal, supported by the College uPay system

This move is all about making things easier for everyone. uPay will consolidate our booking processes, introducing the convenience of accessing a single system for booking High Table occasions, and in the future, College Feasts and Dining. The College uPay platform offers a seamless experience across various devices, including iPhone and Android smartphones, as well as any standard web browser.

The adoption of the College uPay system will help our Catering team who rely on daily reports to manage guests, personal preferences, and allergies. Additionally, our Bursarial and Accounting teams are familiar with system, and how it links directly into College bills.

To ensure a smooth transition we would like to go live after Easter, and it would be great if all members of the Fellowship could log-in and test their accounts (
Furthermore, dedicated support services will be available from both our Catering and IT Services teams.

The new system will be live for bookings from the first High Table after Easter on the 23rd April.

Should you have any enquiries or require further clarification regarding this transition, please do not hesitate to contact one of the team -

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